Apr 6, 2011


I’ve entered into the last 4 weeks of classes (now almost 3!), which means that everything is speeding up and slowing down at the same time. Due dates are rapidly approaching and I’m running out of wiggle room in which to to my coursework, even though I’m hardly ever behind and always try to be ahead if anything.

I’ve started working on #5 and #37 from my “40 in 400”, and I’ve already made my new recipe for the month to count towards #17. I started taking pictures two days ago so 4/4/11 will mark the beginning of the 365 photo project. Meaning, I should be wrapping up THAT goal on 4/2/12 (2012 is a leap year). It all begins with a single step/photo… I also decided to do the gum-chewing goal right now as well because I’ve been dealing with some tongue/mouth issues that has forced me to not chew gum for awhile. My month without gum will thus be 3/30/11-4/30/11 (since the issue started before I wrote the list).

Anyways, I’ve been back home for almost 2 weeks now and things seem to be going oaky. I’m still adjusting to having to create new ways to get to work/class, but I think I almost have it down now. I do feel like I’m being less productive, though. Or at least I seem to be starting my homework later in the day than I did at the toxic apartment, although I don’t feel like I’m wasting more time doing anything. I’m hoping this is just a coincidence with the end of the semester also coming up and me taking my workouts more seriously.

Picture to break up the post. I recently made these Black Bean Brownies from my Happy Herbivore cookbook. If only my taste buds would hurry up and grow back so that I could have actually been able to tell what they tasted like. But I must try making these again sometime soon:


I’m also completely scheduled for this Summer, Fall, and next Spring semester. Lots of courses to look forward to! Most related to Dietetics, but some for my specialization (Health Promotions) and just for fun (aka Ellen wants to take a language course). I won’t be posting on those yet, but think I’m going to wait until the respective semesters start. Though you can always request to know ahead of time.

I know this is a short post, but I just wanted to post something before I meet with my ED counselor next (this Friday). Not sure what to expect since the last time we met I was still planning on going to Tanzania. She gave me the assignment to send her a food diary sort of thing as examples of the foods I eat, when, and in what quantities. It was really hard to do this since my tastes change so much and so do my daily intakes, and I’m not great at keeping a stocked kitchen. Seriously, I really need to go grocery shopping tomorrow or I’ll be eating nothing but pasta for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

I’m going to try to get into posting more than once a week again, but you still shouldn’t really expect any pictures. If there’s a picture, then it’s probably a big deal, haha. I’ll probably post again sometime Saturday or Sunday, so, stay tuned!

Don’t forget, you can follow me on Twitter (I’m literally on it all the time and always get a thrill when I get an @ mention) and on dailymile to follow my training, but I’ll probably add another tab at the top of the blog as well when I find the time.


  1. It's great that you've started working towards your goals already! I find it can be far too easy to make a list, then forget about it.

  2. I love those brownies. You really can't taste the beans in them at all!

  3. Ali - like I said, I like to get ahead. The more I do now, the less I'll have to rush at the end. Plus, many of these are a "once-a-month, every month" kind of thing so I have to do them soon anyway, why not right away!?
