Jan 19, 2011

Falling Into It

Things are going marvelously blogger community! I am seriously loving life right now (except for the snow and cold part, but I can overlook that due to the awesomeness that is the rest of my life).

I’m going to the gym 3-4 times a week. I’m not even tracking them or dreading going at all. I just go and give all that I can for as long as I feel like, which has been anywhere from 30-45 minutes spread over one or two machines. The treadmill is a bit too hard on my breathing right now, so I’ve been sticking to the elliptical and stationary bike. I only wish that more than half of the machines weren’t “Out of Order” for the past month with no apparent plan to get them fixed in the near future. What are we paying for then?! Anyway, I’m not aiming for the super-athlete body that I had at the end of the summer. Just staying in shape and maintaining my fitness level and musculature would be amazing.

Classes are great, too! I’m keeping up the extensive amounts of reading that I must do each week, and still have time for things like watching my favorite television shows, playing computer games, and hanging out with my friends and boyfriend. I actually had quizzes in both of my classes today (yes, already we are being quizzed after just two lectures) and I felt pretty good about both of them. Ahh, the luxuries of having social science classes. I’m happy that I am not being tested on straight-up facts rather than concepts and my own thoughts on the matter. I’m also really glad that I’m actually meeting people in my major/program and getting to know them better. I’m sure that there are several friends and scholastic companions in the making there.

I’ve also been making plans to really kick my résumé into high-gear. The club that I’m in for Dietetics majors just had it’s spring kickoff meeting this evening, which I attended and signed up for a few things that I’m pretty excited about (like a fundraising event and a 5K in March). Also, starting this month, I'll be volunteering at the local food bank twice a month helping to distribute food to those who need it. I’m also lining up being a Room Service volunteer this summer at the nearby hospital.

I’ve also been tweaking my four-year plan (now two-year really, eek!), and I’ve found a way that I can work a year’s worth of a language course into my schedule! I’m really happy about this because that was one thing I was really excited about doing when coming to college: learning a language. So, even though I took a few years in high school, next summer I’ll be cramming in an entire year’s worth of Spanish courses and another half a year of second-year Spanish the following Spring. Spanish, while not my first choice if I were just doing it for fun, I think is the most sensible option for a future dietitian in the U.S. to be at least a little proficient in, don’t you think?

I’m really happy you guys and I’m very pleased with my state of mind and my state of being right now. I have so many plans in my head and I can’t wait to see them through…

Tell me something good that happened to you this week!


  1. I was extremely good at Spanish in high school and as soon as I got into college my schedule literally permitted no open opportunities to place Spanish classes in without screwing up my dietetics plan. I placed into junior level Spanish, and with 3 years being away from it and having to take that junior level course if I want to pick it back up, I feel like I'd be setting myself up to fail. =\

    Anyways, I got an e-mail yesterday that said all components of my NACUFS internship application were received and I'm looking forward to the interview sometime next month. ^_^

  2. Wow that sounds great! I've been trying to get myself to that place where I no longer dread going to the gym and just accept I'll do as much as I can, or even enjoy it :)
    That's really great that you're doing well in your classes too. I just started my semester, and I'm already behind on all my readings!
    The best part of my week was probably thinking that I had definitely lost my wallet, but some kind person turning it into the police.

    Have a great Sunday!
